Page 4 - Numeracy Skills 2
P. 4

‘Learning Booster’ focuses on ‘Learning by Doing’                   and provides various ac vi es
          to enhance learning.

                                                                                            Learning through rhymes
                                                                                             and songs energizes the
                                                                                                learning process.
          Strong visual aids                                    Real life images to
          to strengthen the                                     connect children’s
              concept.                                       learning to the real world.

                                                     Colouring activities
                                                       provide a break
              Fun-filled                               from the routine.
           activities to aid

                            Suggestions and tips to
                           help the teacher introduce
                                 the concept.

                                                                                          Big and clear illustrations
                                                                                            to enhance learning.

                       Ample practice to
                      remain connected to                                                     Rainbow writing to
                       the learnt concept.                                                    make sure children
                                                                                                enjoy writing.

                                                            Writing exercise
                                                            to learn number

                                                                                                           Number value

                                      Sticker pasting activities to
                                        excite young learners.

                                                                                                      Numeracy Skills-2
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9