Page 16 - Phonics-2
P. 16

4 Letter Word Wheel-a

          Let's Get Started

          !  Put your pointer finger on the center letter and move it along each arrow

             one by one. Blend the two sounds and read. Then blend the letter sound
             and read the word. Do this till you finish reading all the words.


                                        calf                 lake                hang

                                        half                                      sang

                          page                   alf                      ang                   gate

                          cage                                 ke                               date
                                        age             lf           ng             ate
                                                   ge                      te

                       bank          ank          nk                       rk        ark          bark

                       tank                        mp                   nd                        park

                                          amp               ll     ck

                                 lamp                                                    hand
                                                       all          ack

                                camp                                                     sand

                                                   fall                 back

                                                   tall                 rack

            Teachers Note : While on this page explain to the children that these are a few words they read. Going ahead they will be reading
            and writing many more 4 letter words with-a.

                                                              16                                              Phonics-2
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